Pregnant lwoman in hospital gown holding on to bed rail

Labour and Childbirth

Nine months of weird cravings, swollen breasts, squished lungs and no waistline leads up to the inevitable climatic point of pregnancy; labour. There are many rumours, myths and old wives tales suggesting that women who are due feel unsettled, and perhaps even unprepared for labour and childbirth.
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The most common clues that your baby is finally on their way.
Sometimes it is necessary to use external medical assistance to help your delivery process. Learn more about some interventions available.
Preparing a plan for your labour and delivery in advance allows you to think through your alternatives with a clear and rational mind.
Birth Delivery
Is it safe to have sex after pregnancy? Read more to find out.
Traditional confinement practices have a new mum’s wellbeing at heart.
Postnatal depression is common, it is important for mothers to take care of their health and well-being in the postpartum period. Huggies shares the tips to cope with postnatal health.
Premature Birth
Learn about prematurity and the challenges that parents face during childbirth at Huggies.
What is the causes and risks of prematurity? Huggies share with you information you need to know about premature baby.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the most common cause of lower-respiratory-tract infection in infancy or childhood. Huggies share with you the risks, symptoms and how we can prevent RSV.

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